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Premium Ultrasonic Cleaner

FörsäljningsprisHK$354.00 Vanligt prisHK$571.00
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Still worried about not being able to clean dirt from your glasses?

Using the technology of ultra-high frequency waves this cleaner generates thousands of air bubbles to use vibration to clean your products. 


MULTIFUNCTIONAL: Both glasses and jewelry are easy to clean in this handy device!

This product is suitable for cleaning glasses, jewelry, teeth aligners, makeup brushes, and any other waterproof appliance.

The Ultrasonic Cleaner™ cleans at the touch of a button.


DEEP CLEANING: Thanks to ultrasonic technology, everything is thoroughly cleaned!

The Ultrasonic Cleaner™ ensures that everything is spotless within 3 minutes.


  • Product size: 7.32'' x 2.84'' x 2.67''
  • Tank size: 5.98'' x 2.13'' x 1.42''
  • Product color: White
  • Material: PP
Premium Ultrasonic Cleaner
Premium Ultrasonic Cleaner FörsäljningsprisHK$354.00 Vanligt prisHK$571.00