Solygiro | Set
Succulents and small houseplants
Our dear ladies will be most delighted with the"Planters and Pots"category. Before we introduce you to theSolygiro Set, we want to remind you what small houseplants like miniature cacti and succulents really are. Succulents belong to the group of plants whose leaves are filled with juices and nutrients, so with this leaf structure, they can withstand harsh climatic conditions around the world.
Succulents have a shiny and leathery leaf that is able to retain moisture, and accordingly, the cactus we all know defines succulents. Cacti are plants that originate from the sunny desert regions of Central and South America, as well as tropical rainforests. They have in common that they are very easy to grow and can survive without water for a very long time. Since they withstand the harshest conditions, they are houseplants that are perfect for maintenance.
For the needs of room conditions, small specimens of houseleek, cacti, ferns, and mosses that do not require much attention are nurtured. What is important is that these plants best show their decorativeness when they are placed in appropriate pots. OurSolygiro Setof seven ceramic parts can perfectly accommodate as many as seven miniature plant species of succulents. You will enjoy watching your favorite green friends in one place!
Ceramic pots on ZenQ Designs shop
TheSolygiro Setconsists of lovely artistic ceramic pots on a bamboo tray with a modern design and classic elegance. Whether a room or a terrace, your tiny plants will never go unnoticed with these attractive pots. A bamboo tray will provide a secure base for your decorative arrangement. Beautiful shiny ceramics are of the highest quality with a discreet glow, so you will beautify your favorite part of the home with a perfect decorative set.
The set does not take up much space. It will look nice on a child's desk, and your little ones can be additionally interested in biology or develop a stronger sense of nurturing everything that comes to us from nature! Once you place your succulents in this set, you can leave it without water for days. Also, your green friends will enjoy a quiet place without too much crowding where each plant has enough space to grow and develop slowly.
You can keep the moisture in the pots by adding decorative stones around the plants, further emphasizing the whole set's decorative beauty.
TheSolygiro Setis available in the following dimensions: height 5cm, base width 21cm, ceramic pot width 7cm.
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