Optical Magnifying Glass
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This Optical Magnifying Glass is designed with LED lights, perfect for day-to-day activities for aging eyesight. It's great for reading small prints on coupons, labels, morning paper, and other documents. With a shatter-proof acrylic lens and scratch-resistant material, this handheld magnifying glass can stand the test of time
Have You Had Problems With Reading?
Are you looking for a stylish and sturdy magnifying glass that you can simply slide in your pocket and use on-the-go?
Our magnifying glass is designed for jewelers, repair technicians, outdoor buffs, and just about anyone else who is looking to read or observe tiny detail text or parts.
Get your handy magnifying glass accessory and easily read tiny text at home, or study maps while out there.
No More Doubt While Reading Tiny Text
No more squinting to read the small print on prescription bottles or the fine print of the contract.
This Magnifying Glass provides up to 20X optical zoom magnification which is great for viewing and scrutinizing a wire area of text or tiny details.
Equipped with 2 energy-efficient LED lights to illuminate your device. It's perfect for a night time book reading and use in low light applications.
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