Wifi Micro HD Video Camera with Wifi & Audio
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Have peace of mind with our innovative Wifi Micro HD Video Camera. The sleek design allows you to place it anywhere at home or at work. It's easy to connect the camera to your phone through our app.

Stay A Step Ahead
Say goodbye to paranoia, with the help of the Micro HD Video Camera your worries will melt away. The compactness allows you to monitor anything with ease, from naughty animals to potential burglaries. You will have the ability to do it all without being found.
Along with 24/7 coverage, it is also equipped with motion detection. To really make sure those needed moments are captured.
The camera also uses motion detection to save memory, battery, and space. On top of this, you’re able to override old recordings so you never need to buy more space.
The Most Effective Motion Detection
If the camera detects movement, it will immediately send a mobile notification to your mobile phone.
When professional thefts intrude on your house, they will quickly find the regular surveillance camera and ruin it within several minutes.
However, our hidden security camera is tiny enough and no one can ever find it.
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